We just upgraded Navision from 2.0 to 3.01B. Our custom VB program can no longer retrieve all records from a Navision table.
Here are the details:
Initially, my cursor rsNAV was "select * from 'G/L Account'". This was only pulling in 124 records out of 1800. When I was doing my comparison, going through the recordset "rsNAV" my pointer was getting lost and generating an error "UNKNOWN ODBC ERROR". I checked the EOF maker and it was false. In debug mode, I would do a row count on the recordset and my pointer would find itself and continue on without error.
I then changed the select statement to "select No. from 'G/L Account'" which pulls in only the field that I need. This generated a recordset of the full table (1800). When I ran the program the error "UNKNOWN ODBC ERROR" didn't happen and the program ran to a successful completion.
Does anyone know why we cannot retrieve the whole table?
Thank you.