Has anyone any experience involving importing payments using aplication?
Normaly you apply entries using fuction->apply entries-> F9, but how can you simulate this. I have about 10000 payments each aplying to a certain number of invoices. (for example 1 payment=> 10 invoices)
I have the corespondence of payment-invoices, but how could I manage to get around, to close the invoice "normaly"? I haven't succeded to simulate the F9 function by c/al code.

Any help :-k :shock:
So you bring in a bunch of data, and then you try and apply payments.
You are going to run into two issues. The first issue is that you only know what invoices you can apply against after you have a customer no, and typically you don't get this on your inbound data. So you'll have to figure some way around this -- usually some kind of matching scheme based on the customer name.
The next issue is when you try and apply your payments, you'll need an invoice number, which you also don't usually have. If you're data is coming from a bank, they will sometimes send some invoice info, but its frequently not exactly right. Again, you'll have to do some kind of matching based on the amount.
As far as splitting the single payment goes -- you just have to come up with a scheme for this. You will probably just sort by document data and fully apply until you can't any more.
Otherwise, its just your standard integrate and post.
just do it yourself and skip the navision code.
The only things that are visible when you use the F9 function are the apply to id and apply to amount, from cust ledger entry. Of course I imported them but the situation remained the same. I've looked into the form and there is making all the calculation.
I guess the only solution is to split the payments and use aply to type/Doc.
If anyone has any other ideeas, let me know
thx for your answer
Best Regards
If I remember correctly, it does something funny with reseting the amounts to zero if you try and go with the normal flow.
I wouldn't give up -- this is very do-able.
Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
It would have been an ideea, but there were some payments that were only partialy invoiced. I've tried to make it work with apply to oldest but there were some invoices very old that were not applyed, but some newer ones were. Apply to oldest applys to the oldest posting date, not by oldest entry no.
I guess the best solution is to post invoices in trances. A lot of work...
Best Regards