Hi chaps!
I am looking for a guide of the Outlook Automation to see if there is any function to be able to send e-mails from Navision with more than 260 characters in the body.
I can't believe it's so restricted! :twisted:
All the stuff downloaded from MSDN is quite technical but maybe not enough.
Can anybody give a clue? :whistle:
Navision Developer
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Public Sub AniadirLineaMensaje(linea As String)
Cuerpo = Cuerpo + linea + vbLf + vbCr
End Sub
Then in the main send function write:
MAPIMensaje.MsgNoteText = Cuerpo
-- Alejandro --
Alejandro: Thanks but how can I create my own OCX if it's the Microsoft's API for Outlook? :-k
Is it possible to modify Office's DLL's :shock: :shock: :shock: ???
All I could do is to create a wrapping that would pass to the Automation the whole text made up of lines but I would never be able to do so if the original function doesn't allow to send more than a BSTR (in other words, I need another function)
I can't believe it's so limited... :roll: c'mon...
Writing a wrapper is a way to go ... or ... did you try using the smtp-ocx? There is much info about this on the forum.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
-- Alejandro --
Yes please!!!
I would be very grateful if you could send it to me.
Please use my e-mail address: MyUserInMibuso and @hotmail.com
Cheers!! \:D/
I think I found he solution
In Mibuso of course
I will report if that solves the problem 8-[