Transaction Action type ObjectID Navn Layout type
Processing G01 10001410 Cash Daily Register 10
Processing G01 10001411 Cash Register Lines 10
Processing G01 10001416 Cash Journal Status 10
Processing G01 10001418 Cash Man.Compare Sales Fig.
Processing G01 10001429 Tender Line Detail 10
Processing G01 10001447 Total Currency Detail 10
Only the 6 tables are getting replicated to the HQ. Cash daily register
contains the daily difference & total transfer values.
Cash register lines contains the start amount, counted amount, sales
amount & the Diefference amount, Document no with posted status, No of
transactions resulting in this amount & G/L Postings.
Tender line detail gives tender type wise transactioin details on any
1. The replicated entries are reposted at the central. Why?
2. Does the store replicate only the last or new records? Or all the
records every time get replicated to the HQ & overwritten?
How will it affect the sales figures sent at the central, if i wish to delete the ledger entries at the stores? Say closing fiscal year every 6 months. Date compress
Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.