Hi, I want to ask about requisition worksheet, what requirement do i need to use this form and how i can make the calculate plan to work under SKU ?
I already fill the SKU, item no, maximum qty, safety stock, location , etc and the thing that i get from calculate plan on requisition worksheet or recurring requisition worksheet is nothing ? Well the item that i want to calculate plan have qty 0 so im sure theres somehing not right
So can someone help me ? even a little hint can be a lot of help for me, thanks.
your name is like a beautiful place in Canada. I am sorry for that but it's just a kudos.
You should have made some adjustment for items and stockkeeping units that have been set up with a replenishment system of Purchase or Transfer and use the Calculate Plan batch job to calculate a replenishment plan. It's a MRP calculation too and there is a relation to sales order, purchase order, transfer order and production order, I think no result happened if you have no them. If you have used MRP in planning worksheet, I think requisition worksheet would not calculate MRP.
Johnson Alonso
"Now that the war is through with me, I'm waking up I can not see"
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please let me know if i miss something, thanks
I think (saya pikir) the requisition work sheet will work if there are some demand sides like sales order, purchase order or transfer order. But if you still can't find anything, I suggest you to do this stepwise thing :
1. create new item
2. set replenishment item : purchase
3. Set manufacturing policy : MTS/MTO
4. Set reordering policy
5. set reservation and order tracking policy
6. set vendor
7.create SKU
8. fill safety stock if needed
9. create purchase order
10. use requisition worksheet to generate items to purchase
Johnson Alonso
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Requisition worksheet work if theres a demand or theres an inventory that its quantity below safety stock quantity, but the one that i experience is really weird (aneh bener nih )
1. create new item
2. replenishment = purchase
3. manufacturing = because im not using this as replenishment plan i leave it at MTS
4 & 5. reordering and item tracking = not using it so set to never.
6. Set to vendor = set default vendor of the item
7. create SKU and set the requirement such as
replenishment system : purchase
vendor no, vendor item no : depend on the item and vendor
reordering policy : maximum qty.
safety stock quantity, reordering point, maximum inventory, etc : fill it and try a lot of combinaion on it such as what happen if maximum inventory = 10 and safety stock = 2, etc
8. i already fill the safety stock
9. create purchase order, i create blank purchase order, purchase order that the buy to from i fill the default vendor, even i check the inventory and make sure that the inventory of the item is 0 (zero)
10. and now for the big moment, i open item requisition and click on the calculate plan... and the result is...blank #-o #-o #-o ouch.
is there any thing that i miss ? thanks for the answers, im really relieved theres someone that want to help me
Did u try to fill in the SAFETY LEAD time/ Reorder cycle in the Item master
also think u shud try to give
"the replenishment system : purchase
vendor no, vendor item no : depend on the item and vendor
reordering policy : maximum qty.
safety stock quantity, reordering point, maximum inventory, etc : fill it and try a lot of combinaion on it such as what happen if maximum inventory = 10 and safety stock = 2, etc " in the item master also apart from giving it in the SKU......
A. Reordering policy : max. inventory
1. reorder point > qty in SO
MRP/MPS qty result for PO/PRod. Order will be max inventory qty
reorder point = 100
max inventory = 300
inventory = 100
Safety stock = 0
planning worksheet/requisition worksheet calc. result = 300
reorder point : 400
max inventory : 300
inventory : 100
Planning worksheet / requisition worksheet calc. result : 400
Also, components at location in the SKU card will not considered by system but only components at location at manufacturing set up.
B. reordering policy: Fixed reorder qty
Inventory : 26 pcs
Reorder point : 150 pcs
Reorder qty : 200 pcs
Sales order qty : 100 pcs
System will generate : 200 pcs.
Also don't forget to set order date and ending date of the option tab when you calculate pla-req worksheet and item filtering or location filtering
Johnson Alonso
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