we run some transaction (Sales Return Order, Purchase Return Order & Item Journal)
and we apply Reason Code to those transaction
the problem is, the system did not keep the Reason Code so when we trace the transaction back through Navigate-Value entry and Navigate-Warehouse Entry, the Reason Codes didnt show up
We looked up in Warehouse Entry Table and Value Entry table but the Reason Code fields remain in blank.
Where do the Reason Code stored?
Does anyone know why did it happen?
Any setting we miss (refered to blank Reason Code field)?
thanks a lot
I have just tried here and it works good. indeed, before posting, you must check the return reason code field if it's empty or not.
Johnson Alonso
"jump in the fire"
detail in:
In standard 4.0 is works correctly, either a different version, an add-on or a customization must be the culprit. For Warehouse Entry, same for Whse. Jnl.-Register Line codeunit.
Also for sales documents, you can check PostItemJnlLine in codeunit Sales-Post and Purchase-Post.
Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.