I guess it makes sence to ask this question. Considering the different values
lot [tech.] die Abfüllcharge
lot der Anteil
lot die Bande [sl.]
lot der Bauplatz
lot die Baustelle
lot [tech.] das Fertigungslos - Charge
lot die Fertigungspartie
lot das Freigelände
lot das Geschick [fig.]
lot das Grundstück
lot die Gruppe
lot der Haufen [coll.]
lot die Lage [fig.]
lot die Lieferung
lot das Los auch [fig.]
lot [tech.] das Los - Fertigungslos
lot die Masse
lot die Menge
lot [bank.] die Partie
lot die Parzelle
lot der Posten
lot das Schicksal
lot das Stück Land
lot die Stückzahlen Pl.
lot der Teil
And what's funny is that it's called Chargennummer.
Ahmed Rashed Amini
Independent Consultant/Developer
It assists with building up usefulness for the business who has worldwide presence. German preparing in India will assist you with being Comfortable in taking care of the greater part of the circumstances experienced while going in Foreign Country.
And what's funny is that it's called Chargennummer.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
It assists with building up usefulness for the business who has worldwide presence. German preparing in India will assist you with being Comfortable in taking care of the greater part of the circumstances experienced while going in Foreign Country.