I'm really desperated with this.
I've installed NV 4.0 server and client in the same machine with the NODBC drivers that comes in the installation CD. Them I've installed BA Advanced and configure the two databases in the Enterprise Manager:
Analysis --> Provider=MSOLAP.2;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=BA for MBS Navision 400;Client Cache Size=25;Auto Synch Period=10000
System --> Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=Navision Demo Database (4-0);Data Source=MT01
When i start the BAConfigurator from Navision, i receive the following error:
[Simba][SimbEngine ODBC Driver][DRM File Library]The server and client do not have the same program version number. Database error: 1111.
The error message appear to be very elocuent, but actually i can't figure out which program version is refering to. I've also import my NV license in NODBC setup, but nothing changes.
Please, could someone guide me through this???
I read in a previous post to copy all the .dll files and slave.exe from the CD, but this didn't solve the problems. I copied the .dll files to the client folder, the server, NODBC folder and CFRONT folder. Did I forgot someone??
3 questions
1- Wath Navision are you using ? SQL or Native Database
2- If you are using Native database, why are you using SQLOLEDB provider in SYSTEM database ?
3- If you are using SQL, why do you need NODBC ?
Try to reconfigure in BA Enterprise manager SYSTEM and ANALYS satabaseDatabase connections.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I've configure BA both ways: manually and running the Configurator from the CD. My results are:
1) Manually -> Everything goes ok, but it's imposible to register Navision license and i can only work with little databases and when opening BA client it tells me that it is a demo version.
2) running the CD -> The only way i've found to register the license, but when running it Windows and SQL Server permissions go down and it's not possible to create the cubes from Navision.
Do you have any idea about this??
1) Install all needed SW (MS SQL, Analysis services etc.)
2) Install BA Basic
3) Create cubes within Navision
4) Run Configurator within Navision (creating the Cubes on MS SQL)
5) Run Configurator for BA Advanced (installing license, connecting ANTServer to the cubes etc.)
6) Through BA Enterprise Manager set Windows Logins permissions for the users which need them
Of course, I never tried it on Native DB, only with MS SQL Option...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Otherwise, i'm using Native DB. Do you thing that this could be the problem?? I can't change to SQL because our client's using Native.
2) For using N/ODBC the version of the N/ODBC and the client (and server) must be same
3) For example, if you installed client 4.00SP1 and you have old N/ODBC without SP1, you have problems. In some cases can be problem for example old installed SDK (C/Front). Check the version nos. of fin.exe (client folder), cfront.dll (in sdk folder and in c:\program files\Common files\Navision\NODBC), and nodbc.dll (c:\program files\Common files\Navision\NODBC). You can check the version of slave.exe too.
If you are not sure, what can be problem, post the versions of the files, I will check them...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I've check the versions and they're all, except cfront.ocx which is I don't know if this is relevant.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I have found the problem. It's was about files versions. The file Cfront.dll exists in three diferent locations with different versions:
C:\Archivos de programa\Business Analytics\ANTServer\CFront
C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\Navision\NODBC
C:\Archivos de programa\Business Analytics\Configurator
I just have copied the version from Navision 4.0 installation CD to those location and voilà!!!
Thank so much to everybody for your help.