As you all know, you can specify additional cost in Inventory BOM by using resource and set it as one of the BOM components.
Any workaround on how to do it if you are using Production BOM?
Production BOM does not have resource as one of the component types.
You can use Machine or Work centers to registre capacity ledger entries.
There is unit cost fields in the Machine or Work center card.
Why dont you use the machine centre to capture the resource cost and time in the Routing for the Item.
1. go to object designer
2. click design button of table ID 99000772
3. then select 3 fields i.e. type, no and unit of measure
4. in properties of type field, add resource in optionstring and caption
5. in the properties of no field add :
IF (Type=CONST(Item)) Item ELSE IF (Type=CONST(Production BOM)) "Production BOM Header" ELSE IF (Type=CONST(resource)) Resource in the tablerelation.
6. in the properties of unit of measure field add:
IF (Type=CONST(Item)) "Item Unit of Measure".Code WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(No.)) ELSE IF (Type=CONST(Production BOM)) "Unit of Measure" ELSE IF (Type=CONST(resource)) "Resource Unit of Measure"
in the table relation too.
just the above from me.
Johnson Alonso
"fight fire with fire"
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Your suggestion is good but this will require me to purchase additional granule license which I think is not an option.
To Johnson,
That will solve the additional type but it does not end there, I think you need to change the production order posting codeunit to take care of additional resource cost.
Im thinking of using a dummy item. Although I need to check if this fits the customer requirement.
Johnson Alonso
"ride the lightning"
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