Hi All,
Is there any main benefit of using Record.SETRANGE(Field [,FromValue] [.ToValue]) over Record.SETFILTER(Field, String, [Value],...)? Would one be correct to assume that SETRANGE() limits your result set to the requested range....for example:
say you have the following records
Entry No. Name
1 Big Bill
2 Roger Hill
3 Badger Pill
4 Nigel Will
If you said SETRANGE("Entry No.", '1', '3') would the effects be a record set that is shown below?
Entry No. Name
1 Big Bill
2 Roger Hill
3 Badger Pill
I presume that the SETFILTER option just applies a filter thus sorting the records that you would have returned from running the function? Probably something that has been mentioned before, however my searches have not been very productive. I have read what is detailed in the "Navision Financials Help" and the functions are described to be very similar. Some clarification as to which is the most productive would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
SETRANGE can be used for simple filters, for example: - only one number; - all numbers from 5000 to 6000.
SETFILTER is used for more complex filters like: - number 5000 or number 6000; - all numbers less than 6000, except 5000.
This should be
Rule of thumb is to allways use SETRANGE, Unless you need to write complex filters.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n