automatic change unit of measure

johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
dear all,
I have a problem when using intercompany especially relates to item's sales unit of measure (SAUOM). here I describe as follows:
company A
SAUOM company A :kgs
Purchase UOM company A : kgs
item base UOM : kgs
company B
SAUOM company B : pcs
Purchase UOM company B : pcs
item base UOM : pcs
1 pcs = 4 kgs
conditions as follows:
PO from B contains :
item x : 20 pcs
after transaction:
resulted SO in A contains
item x : 20 kg

actually it must be 80 kg

(when I create purchase order (PO) from company B using send InterCompany purchase order to company A, company A will convert the PO to be sales order (SO) but I don't understand why the unit of measure wasn't converted). I would thankful for your answer beforehand.

Johnson Alonso

"the Lord is my shepherd"


  • mnebrooksmnebrooks Member Posts: 2
    Our company have had to deal with this type of conversion many times.

    Here is how I see the setup for company B: -

    Purchase UOM = kg.
    Stock UOM = pcs.
    Sales UOM = pcs.

    Unit conversion on the item in company B to convert pcs to kg. The PO will then be sent to company A as the correct amount in kg.

    On receipt when booking the goods in, the kg. PO will result in the correct amount of pcs items being put into stock.

    Hope this helps.
  • mnebrooksmnebrooks Member Posts: 2
    I also forgot to mention, you can do it this way as well: -

    Company A item has unit conversion pcs to kg.
    all company A UOM's = kg.

    Company B has all UOM' as pcs.
    Company B has a unit conversion on the item as well. kg to pcs.
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    tks for your answer but I will re-describe what I need:
    company A purchase item x = 1 pcs
    (conversion : 1 pcs = 4 kgs)
    company B sell item x = 4 kg (because its sale unit of measure in kg)
    company A and B are set in intercompany.
    When I send company A's PO with qty of item x to purchase 1 pcs using send IC purchase order in the function button it worked successful, then I did transaction using intercompany features in navision. The PO from company A will be converted to be sales order (SO) in company B. the result doesn't give what I want. item x qty in SO of company B is still 1 kg, I wish it will be 4 kg, and if 4 kg ship to company A still using intercompany transaction, company A will receive 1 pcs.

    Johnson Alonso
  • ppigletppiglet Member Posts: 35

    i think you need to do some coding in related codeunit
    it happened to us when we BUY in a kind of uom, and SELL it in another kind of uom for particular bin location
    the quantity in bin location didnt match with the quanity sold
    it occured because bin uom were refer to BUY uom (as base uom)
    i cannot point you that particular codeunit, but i think its a hint for you to fix it.

    uom=unit of measure
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