Re-open PO in Navision 4.0

hanthant Member Posts: 115
Dear all,

As my understanding that when you make receipt for one PO, this PO will be closed. If we want to make a Return for this, we have to create another PO for receiving the replacement. We cannot do the receipt to the original PO for replacement items. But my client wants to do receive the replacement items with the original PO, that means they want to re-open the PO due to the internal policy that the payment only done when the PO completed. Do you guys have any idea about that?

Your suggestion is highly appriciated.




  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I think you can use facility copy purchase order from menu button function and then selects posted purchase receipt in the document type field and select posted purchase receipt. then click OK.

    Johnson Alonso
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I mean feature copy document from function button in the PO header but the vendor no. must be same as vendor no. that has been posted either receipt or invoice.

    Johnson Alonso
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    When do they invoice the PO? The PO will remain until it is invoiced. If they "Receive Only" they can just reopen the PO and add the new line(s).
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • hanthant Member Posts: 115
    Thanks so much for your response.

    "Reopen" the PO means the qty received will be minus by the qty return. For example: I create PO for one item with qty is 100. Then the vendor deliver the goods 80. The "receive" has been posted in the system and the qty received is 80 and qty to receive is 20. After that I make a return order of 20 due to some reasons. The qty of 20 will be deducted directly from qty received field in the PO and now qty to receive is 40. They don't want to change the PO (insert new line etc.) because this PO already approved by authorized person. If they change the PO, they have to get the approval again.

    Do you have any idea?

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I think you you can't do that If you have received 80 pcs, then in the PO qty to receive will be able to write 40 pcs, the system will pop up a message says you can receive more than 20 units. You must create new line in the same PO header and same item and same qty returned.

    Johnson Alonso
  • hanthant Member Posts: 115
    The invoice is issued when the PO is received full. If we add another line for the return item, the payable accountant will be confused when they do matching the invoice with Receipt and PO because the PO qty is now 120, qty received is 120 too but the qty in the invoice is 100. I know this is not supported by standard Navision. Do you have any idea to customize the system or work around solution for it?
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I think if you doesn't invoice the PO yet, you maybe able to use undo posted receipt of a purchase order that is available in the history of a purchase module.

    Johnson Alonso

    "ride the lightning"
  • hanthant Member Posts: 115
    Thanks, I will try that way.
  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    Also note that undo receipt will only work if not put-away or other warehouse documents were created.

    Also, the workflow needs some reorganization: receiving an order in Navision and checking quality afterwards is not a right workflow. You could just create a new decimal field like "Qty. Arrived not Received", users would enter arrived quantity there, maybe print a modified version of the PO report as a "pre-receipt" document. And then only receive it whent quality is checked an OK.

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
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