How to use TOTALSCAUSEDBY fucntion

MadhanMadhan Member Posts: 96
hi great day all

can anyone help me how to use TOTALSCAUSEDBY function in the group header. Is there any defaults report in Navision which this function is used.

My senorio is:
I am created a report using Purch. Inv Header and Purch. Inv Line(122 & 123) I am using two fields in grouptotalfields property. and in the group header i am just printing this fields. It is printing for each and every line. But, i need the group header to be printed for one group.


  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    you should use this function when you are using more then one grouping level.

    Look at report 1208 ...

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
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