Hi Great day all,
I am just creating a report "Purchase register - consolidation" using Purch inv header and purch inv line table.
In that report, first i like to group by vat business posting group in the header and then by tax%, vat% in the line table.
so, i am grouping by vat business posting group in the header table and by tax%, Vat% in the line which i have set it in the group total fields of both dataitem correspondinly.
I have set dataitemtableview property also. But, the report is grouping only by vat business posting group and the group by fields which i have set in the line dataitem is not working.
can any help me.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Tax% and VAT% in the line table(Purch Inv. Line)
I will try this and update you.