Why is it that when i replicate the user table using data director the data that have been received by the receiver database the password of the users does not work (if the user has a password). But when I used the replication using the Cfront.dll it works?
No future at CPI
In Any case if you are using in Headquarter SQL, so when you sync the table, you might get a blank password.
Try and see if blank password on POS works.
Another option is to have in HQ a second Temporary POS that is running on Native server that would do the replication for the user table.
You should send this issue to Landsteiner. Nobody outside of their company can answer why the DataDirector would do that.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Are you posting at the store?
You can have Data replicator running at the same time as PlussCFront. You can do some modification so that it only would run a subjob that would sync user table.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n