Use a Dialog box with an indicator field.
For details, see in the online help, fct Dialog.OPEN and Dialog.UPDATE
Dialog.OPEN(String [, Variable1], ...)
Data type: dialog
Once you define this variable, you can open the dialog and then use other dialog functions.
Data type: text constant or code
This string contains the text you want the system to display in the window. Use a back slash (\) to start a new line. Use pound signs (#) to insert variable values into the string, Place the pound signs where you want the system to substitute the variable value.
If you use @ characters instead of #, the string can be used as an indicator. In this case, use @ characters only for the string, and let the variable be an integer. The limits of the indicator are 0 and 9999 - meaning that the integer you use for updating the indicator should have a value within this range.
Some example:
Name DataType Subtype Length
diaProgress Dialog
intProgress Integer
intProgressI Integer
intProgressTotal Integer
timProgress Time
recSalesLine.RESET; // + filters
intProgressTotal := recSalesLine.COUNT; // be carefull : this can be slow if filters don't use the key
// SQL : use COUNTAPPROX, but this doesn't give an exact number
timProgress := TIME;
IF recSalesLine.FIND('-') THEN
// Progress bar
intProgressI := intProgressI + 1;
IF timProgress < TIME - 3000 THEN BEGIN // every 3 seconds
timProgress := TIME;
intProgress := ROUND(intProgressI / intProgressTotal * 10000,1);
// other things you have to do
UNTIL recSalesLine.NEXT;
Regards,Alain Krikilion No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
You have to define the "intProgress*" as integer.
If you already did that, check if the error isn't in another point. I used that code already thousands of times and never had any problem.
Regards,Alain Krikilion No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
For details, see in the online help, fct Dialog.OPEN and Dialog.UPDATE
Hope that help ...
Name DataType Subtype Length
diaProgress Dialog
intProgress Integer
intProgressI Integer
intProgressTotal Integer
timProgress Time
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Thank you, it seems to work !!! but i have an error message during the process:
overflow in the conversion of the type Decimal to Integer
what could i do?
thank you!!
If you already did that, check if the error isn't in another point. I used that code already thousands of times and never had any problem.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!