How to take a database Backup

MadhanMadhan Member Posts: 96
Hi All,

I like to take a backup of the live database everyday depend upon the time which I set. whether it is possible. give me a solution. Its very very urgent. Help me.

For example:

Every day 12 PM i want a back up.



  • bobnavisionbobnavision Member Posts: 159
    Use Hotcopy.exe.

    Set microsoft schedular.
  • MadhanMadhan Member Posts: 96
    can you just explain how to use this exe and where?
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    The .exe is in the directory of the DB-server.

    You can find on how to use it in the documentation on the CD: it is file w1w1ism.pdf.
    If you don't have the file, you can just run the command without parameters and it will show which parameters can be used.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Hotcopy doesn't create a backup though right? Doesn't that just copy the database file somewhere?

    If you're on SQL Server you can create a maintenance plan (in EM open the server, expand the manager node, right click on Database Maintenance Plans and click 'new maintenance plan') and schedule it whenever you want.
  • RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
    You can use Expand.IT. This is a very good product and works really well with Navision. It actually uses Navision's tool to make a backup. In this way you are sure that everything is validated before backing up.

    Go to: for more info.

    Roelof de Jong
  • MadhanMadhan Member Posts: 96
    thax a lot to all,

    hi Roelof,

    can you tell me how much it cost.
  • RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
    Did you check their website? You should get all the information there.
    Roelof de Jong
  • ashishguptaashishgupta Member Posts: 24
    hi Roelof,
    I checked the site and also get the trial version of utility.
    but can u expalin how can i use that.

  • RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
    I think there are instructions to set it up. ExpandIT is a scheduler which runs a Navision runtime. It uses Navisions functionality to make the backup. You can schedule it for certain times a day. ExpandIT is using a scriptfile to store all the information. But again, read the instructions and you should be able to understand how it works.

    Roelof de Jong
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