NSAppHandler.dll wanted

MarcelWMarcelW Member Posts: 46

i need to get the NSAppHandler.dll(for automation server) for the client with the version
We dont know where the Navision CD is and really need this dll.

Do anyone know the way to get this dll?


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    The way to get this dll is to get a product cd, that's where you can find it.
  • MarcelWMarcelW Member Posts: 46
    Is that the only one way to get the dll?

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    The dll is registered through installing external components, which you should do by running the installation from the product cd.
  • MarcelWMarcelW Member Posts: 46
    Yes but i use an old 4.0 client. Since the installation of this client i have installed another newer client.
    When i use the older one one he use the dll of the newer installation.
    And this results in an errror!!
    So i need to register the old dll-file to force the system to use this dll.
    But i do not have the old file :(
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    Have you checked the download section? I think you can download the 4.0 client folder there, with which you can run the installation program. You may even find the dll you're looking for there..
  • sennasenna Member Posts: 44
    Anyone know whether this nsapphandler.dll problem affects all NAV client installations outside of the UK? the reason i ask is I have had this problem for a client in the UK who have other offices across Europe, so my question is....

    would a standard install of say a French client for V4 SP3 have this problem just like I have seen on the UK client?

    Thanks in advance :mrgreen:
  • jlandeenjlandeen Member Posts: 524
    I would think that NSAppHandler.dll would be the same globally. Normally the executables are the same across all localizations and the Navision Objects are localized.

    So I would think that any problems with a .dll or .exe would be pervasive across all offices/locations. It may also be a conflict with regional settings on a server/machine that's running the .dll - in that case it wouldn't happen in other offices.
    Jeff Landeen - Sr. Consultant
    Epimatic Corp.

  • sennasenna Member Posts: 44
    thanks for the reply most helpful :D

    Does anyone know whether this issue has already been logged with Microsoft? I can't see any kB articles suggesting it has and it would be interesting to know whether they plan to provide a hotfix - other than the manual suggestions of solving this using RegSvr.

    Thanks again.
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