During the process of Upgrade of Navision 2.60 towards Navision 4.00, I must import the fob file created by merge and compare. During the importation this error message appears and the importation stops.
"You cannot remove or modify the type of the field “N°” (in the table G/L Account) before the value of the field is reduced to 0 or '' in all the records. This message was displayed because a nonnull value was found in the N°='100000' record of the company…"
what should I do?
Or also : it is possible Navision-Tunisia (or whoever makes your standard country version changed the type of the field from text to code or code to text.
FIX : make a dataport to export the records and delete the records from the DB. Then import your objects and then import the records.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
thanks for help!!!
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!