Migration from Navision to SQL Server option

somnathbasu9002somnathbasu9002 Member Posts: 47
In the process of preparation of Navision database to SQL server migration, I have run the codeunit 104015:Field Check, and the following error occured:
There must be a ':=' in the assignment. For example:

MyVar := ... ;
MyVar := 100 + 10 ;

Plz send your suggestion to solve the problem


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    turn on the debugger and write down where the error stops and post the code here.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • somnathbasu9002somnathbasu9002 Member Posts: 47
    In the process of SQL server migration, I have imported the migrate.fob from Upgtk folder and after compilation I ran the Codeunit 104010 and imported the newly generated fob 104015:Field Check. Now when I am compiling the code unit the following error is coming:

    There must be a ':=' in the assignment. For example:
    MyVar := ... ;
    MyVar := 100 + 10 ;

    And from observation (debugger is not catching the error!) I found the error is in the dynamically generated function Table50119 which corresponds to a newly generated table, id 50119. And the cursor stops at the following line

    IF F.Modify THEN BEGIN
    A50119.MARK := F.Mark;
    UNTIL A50119.NEXT = 0;
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Check your table 50119. I think one of your fields is called "Delete" or "Insert".
    For fieldnames, you can't use reserved words.
    Go to the table and change the name of the field and re-do the process.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • somnathbasu9002somnathbasu9002 Member Posts: 47
    Thanks Kirki. Yes. There was a field in the Table named as 'Insert'. I have changed the name and the problem has been solved. Plz. keep an eye on the topic. If I face any other problem, i will post it under the same topic.
  • jjanauskasjjanauskas Member Posts: 49
    Just info..

    few weeks ago I was using SQL migration tool and found a bug when you have field captions longer than 50 character..

    In this case the check procedure just terminates with an error message.

    Here is what you can do to avoid that (or maybe it has been already fixed? I am using W13.10.02 version):
    * In Table 104011 "Code Field Information" change the Field 5 "Field Name" with from 50 to 100 characters
    * In Codeunit 104011 "Data Check Management" change the width from 80 to 250 of the first parameter of the procedures "CheckDate", "CheckDecimal", "CheckText"
    * In Codeunit 104011 "Data Check Management" change the width from 80 to 250 of the second parameter of the procedure "CheckCode"
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