Reversal Depreciation - FA - V4.SP1

StefnieStefnie Member Posts: 7
I have ran the periodic activity Calculate Depreciation.

Then I realised that it has posted to the incorrect GL accout. I then selected History, Registers and reversed the journal. I corrected the GL account in the setup.

Now I want to recalcaulate the depreciation for the same period but I get the error that I cannot run it as it was already done for the period.

Is there a way I can get the calculation to run without doing the deperciation manually in the FA GL Journal?
Golden Angel Wings - learner


  • andrejsmandrejsm Member Posts: 122
    As far as I know FA module have some 'difference' from others Navision modules. There is function "Cancel Entries", which is located in "FA Ledger Entries" under "Function" button. If You use this function, Navison will post reverse transactions and some kind of "Error Correction entries". After this function You don't even see corected entries in the ledger entries and then it will be possible to calculate depreciation again.
    Andrejs Muraskins
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