OBJECT Table 50009 optemize { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=03/02/06; Time=[ 8:06:17 PM]; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { } FIELDS { { 1 ; ;Table ID ;Integer } } KEYS { { ;Table ID } } CODE { BEGIN END. } }
OBJECT Form 50009 optemize { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=03/02/06; Time=10:30:27 PM; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { Width=8000; Height=8000; Visible=No; TimerInterval=150; OnOpenForm=BEGIN IF ISCLEAR(wscript) THEN CREATE(wscript); END; OnQueryCloseForm=BEGIN IF State = 100 THEN EXIT(FALSE) ELSE EXIT(TRUE); END; OnTimer=BEGIN IF State = 0 THEN BEGIN IF NOT Optemize.FIND('-') THEN CurrForm.CLOSE; tableinformation.SETRANGE("Table No.",Optemize."Table ID"); IF tableinformation.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN State := 2; EXIT; END ELSE State := 1 END; IF State = 1 THEN BEGIN IF Optemize.NEXT = 0 THEN CurrForm.CLOSE; tableinformation.SETRANGE("Table No.",Optemize."Table ID"); IF tableinformation.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN State := 2; END ELSE BEGIN State := 0; END; END; IF State = 2 THEN wscript.SendKeys('%f'); IF State = 3 THEN wscript.SendKeys('b'); IF State = 4 THEN wscript.SendKeys('i'); IF State = 5 THEN wscript.SendKeys('%B'); IF State = 6 THEN wscript.SendKeys('+{F7}'); IF State = 7 THEN wscript.SendKeys('table no.'); IF State = 8 THEN wscript.SendKeys('{TAB}'); IF State = 9 THEN wscript.SendKeys(FORMAT(Optemize."Table ID")); IF State = 10 THEN wscript.SendKeys('^{DOWN}'); IF State = 11 THEN wscript.SendKeys('{ENTER}'); IF State = 12 THEN wscript.SendKeys('^a'); IF State = 13 THEN BEGIN wscript.SendKeys('%o'); wscript.SendKeys('y'); END; IF State = 100 THEN BEGIN wscript.SendKeys('{ESC}'); wscript.SendKeys('{ESC}'); wscript.SendKeys('{ESC}'); END; IF State = 100 THEN State := 0; State += 1; END; } CONTROLS { } CODE { VAR State@1000000000 : Integer; wscript@1000000001 : Automation "{F935DC20-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B} 1.0:{72C24DD5-D70A-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8}:'Windows Script Host Object Model'.WshShell"; Optemize@1000000002 : Record 50009; tableinformation@1000000003 : Record 2000000028; var@1000000004 : Variant; BEGIN END. } }
The script is very nice... By seeing ur code i got one doubt. how can i open the form (like sales order form) and how can i press f3 and how can i select sell to customer no(like first customer)( in script press f6 and select customer and press ok ). This procedure how can i do that???
Thanks for ur reply. Iam still searching on mibuso for open the form and lookup(f6). i didnt find the solution.
Plz help me.
Thanks & regards,
Thanks & Regards,
i created the optimize table and form as mentioned above..
when i schedule the form to b run at a time, it does not work.. do u know y??
is there any specific setup to be done?
in the log file, it does tell me that the process has succeeded.. but i dnt see it happen
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
i created a report where i put this code BatchProcessing.RUN; BatchProcessing being the form (optemize in your example)where we put the codes.
thus i jus sceduled to run the report at a certain time.
it doesnt work
if i run it manually, it runs smoothly...
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n