I am working on a new Navision/Excel report generator. Later I will post some info to Product Directory (after the release of official Add-On), but meanwhile I thought maybe you could find it usefull. I posted a short description and some screenshots to
Have fun!
1. Reports are runned from Navision (this is very important for end-users)
2. User can select filters in navision style (by AssistButtons)
3. There is possibility to define user defined functions, implement them in navision and use in report
4. The design process takes places in Navision side
5. Does not use C/FRONT, so you do not have to buy this granule
6. All generation is done on Navision side, so it is faster
7. Uses Navision SIFTs, does grouping by keys, you can do a union of several recordsets
8. No special setup (special licences, connection descriptions, login information, etc) needed @ client's computer. Just navision & excel.
Justas Janauskas
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Are you doing this in your free time?
Maybe better find another hobby.
But we will see soon how powerful navision integration with Excel will be. But somehow I feel that in navision 5 you will have just a report export to excel and it will not work perfectly (due to conversion from navision report designer to excel).
About hobbies. Yep, I am making it more or less for fun, of course during my work-hours.
Justas Janauskas
Justas Janauskas
I just wanna add that an Office-Integration (where an end-user can define his own reports in Navision and export to excel) is much easier than letting him (end-user) design his reports with a Report Designer in SQL Server Reporting Services...
It is a mystery to all of us to what extent NAV 5 will integrate with office, and even with which version of office.
Just my opinion anyways