C/ODBC - rounding decimal places

nukeenukee Member Posts: 5
When I connect to i.e. "Sales Invoice Header" Table through C/ODBC from Access 2000 I see in "Currency Factor" Field only 5 decimal places. This field in Navision has 15 decimal places. In properties of table in Access I found field "Scale" with "5", but I can't change it.

How to solve this problem? :-k


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    nukee wrote:
    This field in Navision has 15 decimal places.

    Really?? :-k
  • nukeenukee Member Posts: 5
    Really. The invoice is in EUR (LCY Code is PLN).
    Currency Factor is 1 EUR = 3,7671 PLN and in the table it is written not 3,7671' but 1 PLN = 0,265456186456425 EUR. Then it is rounded to 0,26546.
    And 1/0,26546 = 3,7670.

    Is it a problem in C/ODBC, Access or Navision?

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