Hi, I´m having troubles with a system that inserts into Gen.Jnl.Line(T81) and then calls Codeunit 12. The problem is that the values I insert into "Shortcut Dimension 1 Code" doesn´t seem to deliver through to the G/L Entry (the value goes into G/L Entry, but not into the Ledger Entry Dimension.
When I have G/L Accounts setup with Mandatory Department Code it gives me an error.
Anyone experience anything similar ?
VALIDATE("Shortcut Dimension 1 Code");
this will insert the dimension in table 356 "Journal Line Dimension" that is needed by cu 12 to create "Ledger Entry Dimension"
C12 is clearing the TempJnlLineDim table and _then_ passing it to C11. And therefore C11 is not finding any line dimensions. :?
That code isn't run except by older modules that didn't have support non-global dimensions.