Hello Everyone,
I need to send a quotation to the customer.
They want to upgrade their existing 3.6 database to 4.0SP1.
Since this will be my first time to do this, I have no idea how long this would take.
So can anyone give me a rought estimate manhours ro mandays to do upgrade.
And are there existing issues when upgrading from 3.6 to 4.0SP1.
Thanks, your comments will be very helpful.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
1) upgrade the customized objects (I would say 15 minutes per object [some objects are less then a minute but some objects you will be working on for hours])
2) make a full backup of the customer DB for the beta-upgrade of the data
3) do the beta-upgrade of the data+objects (how long it takes:depends on a lot of factors : how many records and in which tables they are, the number of secondary indexes (see TIP1),...
4) test if all works fine (functional testing)
5) do the same with the customer and you can also give the customer this data to play with or test it
6) Make changes in the objects in case of errors (actually this is part of point 1)
7) make a full backup of the customer DB for the LIFE-upgrade of the data
8) do the LIFE-upgrade of the data+objects
9) test if all works fine (functional testing)
10) do the same with the customer and you can also give the customer this data to play with or test it
11) install the DB at the customer
In general:the LIFE-upgrade is done in the weekend, because this can take from a few hours to several days.
TIP1 : to do the different processes faster (restore, launch of the codeunits in the upgrade, import of the new version), disable unnecessary indexes and add them just after you did the complete upgrade (so just before you start the functionally test it) (you can shorten the upgrade-process to less than 1/3 of the time with all indexes enabled)
TIP2 : use a normal server to do the upgrade (so with fast disks and enough memory) and use a DB-server with COMMIT-cache and enough DB-cache.
Probably others will have additional things to add.
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