I just want to check if this is a bug or any error in the Process
this is something to do with Drop Shipment
If I have created a Sales Order with SHIP TO CODE in it and then
convert the sales Order to Purchase worksheet (which also has a ship to code in it )
When I want to convert the Worksheet to PO the system gives me an error
"You must not specify the ship to code in requisition line worksheet template"
This is the correction:
IF (PurchOrderLine."Drop Shipment") OR (PurchOrderLine."Special Order") THEN BEGIN
// bug navision SalesOrderLine.GET(SalesOrderLine."Document Type"::Order,"Sales Order No.","Sales Order Line No.");
SalesOrderHeader.GET(SalesOrderLine."Document Type"::Order,"Sales Order No."); // bug navision
IF NOT PurchOrderLine."Special Order" THEN
TESTFIELD("Ship-to Code",SalesOrderHeader."Ship-to Code");