Error when changing the vendor address

DavedaveDavedave Member Posts: 88
Hi guys,

One of my clients is facing this problem; when they went to change the address in their vendor card, an error msg popped up, which read:-

"AMAS SOFTWARE must not be 0 in Country Code="

I have no idea what this msg means. Just so you guys know, they are running on a fresh installation of Navision SP1. Their Vendor tbl and Vendor Card form is also unmodified.



  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I think it's related to AMAS Software field in the countries/region windows. you can deactivate it in the object designer table ID 9. In my navision countries/region windows, in the AMAS Software field is emptied and its datatype is integer.

    Johnson Alonso

    "Ride the lightning"
  • DavedaveDavedave Member Posts: 88
    Hi Johnson,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I did what you suggested and disblaed the AMAS Software in tbl 9. But when I want to change my Country Code, I get the msg:-

    "Reference to the member AMAS Software of the variable AMAS Software could not be solved."

    If I manually key in my Country Code, the error does not show up. Only if I choose to drill down on the field then I get the msg.

    What is this AMAS Software anyway?

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Hi Dave,
    Tks for your reply. I think you must activate again the AMAS software field. It's relate to barcode application. If you use barcode application, you will deal with AMAS Software. Here what i know about AMAS Software:

    "The Address Matching Approval System (AMAS®) is a software approval program that has been developed by Australia Post to improve the quality of addressing. It provides a standard by which to test and measure the ability of address-matching software to:

    Correct and match addresses against the Postal Address File (PAF)
    Append a unique Delivery Point Identifier (DPID)® to each address record, which is a step towards the barcoding of mail.

    AMAS allows companies to develop address matching software which:
    Prepares addresses for barcode creation
    Ensures quality addressing
    Enables qualification for discounts on PreSort letter lodgements"

    So, just check code unit # 28001 and run table ID 9 when you are still in the object designer windows. The code # is viewed when you click select C/AL Code after right-click of AMAS Software field in countries/region form no. 10. According to your problem, maybe the post code and country are not match and found by AMAS Software equipment or tools maybe when detect the material purchased.

    Johnson Alonso

    "Fight fire with fire"
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Hi Dave,
    I was very huury and I forget to tell about address validation field that plays an important role to activate AMAS software field in the countries/region windows. So, you can use AMAS Software field when you select Package Sequence No. and Entire Address. Both type of address validation will activate AMAS and from AMAS, you can drill down and lead you to codeunit selection from #1 - 99008530.

  • DavedaveDavedave Member Posts: 88
    Hi Johnson,

    I think I'll have to try out what you said at my client's place because they're facing this problem at their side. When I try to simulate the problem here with their database, I encounter no errors.

    I'll be sure to update you after that.

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Hi Dave,
    Don't mention it. I just wonder maybe your client has made a mistaken when selects one of three types of "Address validation" in the address validation field on the countries/region table of vendor card's general tab, because if the company choose "post code&city", it will not use AMAS, and they can change the address in the purchase order header but if the company choose one of the two other types of address validation and fill the AMAS by choosing one of codeunit no. in selection table after drill down the AMAS soft. field, the company will not be able to change the address in the PO or if the company doesn't fill the AMAS Soft., but choose one of the two other types of address validation, the message ""AMAS SOFTWARE must not be 0 in Country Code=" will appear in navision...

    Johnson Alonso

    "through the never"
  • DavedaveDavedave Member Posts: 88
    Hi Johnson,

    Solved the problem yesterday at my client's place. Turns out all that needed to be done was to fill in the Country Code before changing the address.

    What my client did was create a Vendor and fill in the address details but she did not key in the Country Code. Later when she wanted to change the address of that same Vendor, she got the AMAS error. Once she keyed in the Country Code she could change the address without any problems.

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    you're welcome.
    What my client did was create a Vendor and fill in the address details but she did not key in the Country Code. Later when she wanted to change the address of that same Vendor, she got the AMAS error

    it means she has never selected another address validation except "Post Code & City", then when she didn't write country code, and when in PO header she changed the address of vendor, a message said " the AMAS..." appeared. I think it's impossible, but if it's solved then nevermind.

    Johnson ALonso

    "disposable heroes"
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