Reversal of Customer Ledger Entries

FiveFive Member Posts: 32
Hello All,

Hope Everbody is keeping well.I have a problem doing a reversal of entries in Navision 4.0.

After a a customer has made a payment into his account (this is captured via a journal).

Then we want to reverse this entry and use the Reverse Transaction function.

The result is that the G/L entries get reversed but the customer ledger entries remain. :shock:

Any ideas how to get everything correct.

Thanks in advance.
Compile and then Recompile ....


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    You can go to cust ledger entry and click on unapply. Then go to the bank ledger entry and void the payment entry which will create the opposite entry.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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