Auto icrementing the document number in Item Jnl

DavedaveDavedave Member Posts: 88
Hi guys,

I know that the auto increment of the document number (e.g. A-1, A-2, A-3...) only takes place if your journal line is balanced BUT what about positive/negative adjustments in the item journal?

Since there is no balancing account or any monetary value involved to make the line balanced, is there another way to auto increment the document number?



  • tofttoft Member Posts: 3
    You'll have to write code to accomplish this.

    In the Item Jnl Line you copy the last Doc. No (at least when you're doing simple Pos and neg. Adjustments) in the function SetupNewLine.

    IF (ItemJnlTemplate.Type IN
    IF NOT MfgSetup."Doc. No. Is Prod. Order No." THEN
    "Document No." := LastItemJnlLine."Document No."
    "Document No." := LastItemJnlLine."Document No.";

    For the Gen Jnl. you have the following code:

    IF BottomLine AND
    (Balance - LastGenJnlLine."Balance (LCY)" = 0) AND
    NOT LastGenJnlLine.EmptyLine
    "Document No." := INCSTR("Document No.");

    You'll have to define you own criteria and write a logic for when you want the Doc. No. to be incremented
  • DavedaveDavedave Member Posts: 88
    Thanks for the solution, toft. I'll be sure to try this out.

    In the mean time, other ways of auto incrementing the doc number in the Item Jnl are more than welcome :D
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