Wow..I am very glad to have a kind and good friend like Vikash that inform all Navision moudles in the website. If all the people in this world like Vikash, there will be no more wars, poverty and everybody will be rich. as for the manuals, everybody will read and learn the manual like frying an egg, short and simple then eat it or like making a milk then milk it.
Thanks for the plug. Note my downloads are not version 4 but still usable.
& waldo's link is ... load&cid=1
Wow..I am very glad to have a kind and good friend like Vikash that inform all Navision moudles in the website. If all the people in this world like Vikash, there will be no more wars, poverty and everybody will be rich. as for the manuals, everybody will read and learn the manual like frying an egg, short and simple then eat it or like making a milk then milk it.
Johnson Alonso
"Through the never"
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