Hi guys,
I just wanna ask about the alert message: "<Table Name> cannot be modified on this form."
Here's the scenario.
Im tryin to create an inquiry type form with navision table in it and a textbox where i'll enter the value to query.
In OnValidate trigger of the textbox, i create a code to set the range of the Rec to what will be the value of textbox; Rec.SetRange(column, textbox).
It actually works fine filtering the records, but when i click on the table, an alert message pops out: "<Table Name> cannot be modified on this form." Upon inspection, it is default that navision always add a new line, so when you try to go out of that line, it thinks that you are trying to save a line, in which navision doesn't permit you to.
Is there a way for these not to occur, maybe at least for the alert message not showing up? Or could it be a limitation?
Thank you very much...
Elmer Evangelio
-add this behond your filtering code: this selects current record if it is in the filter, if not it tries to search the first record (if one is in the filter), then it does a refresh of the form. Probably this will be enough. -Form-property InsertAllowed=No
-Form-property DelayedInsert=Yes
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
It is now working...there's a bit of error when currform line is placed in OnValidate trigger, i just put it in OnAfterValidate trigger. I didn't even applied the changes to the properties. But its already working...I'll just try to see its effect.
Anyway, Thank You very much...