Dear all,
It's still confusing how navision disregard purchased item although the item included in the BOM of a manufactured item in a specific location. I have set qty to produce in production forecast for 2 items with 4 locations to produce within 4 days, e.g. 70 pcs/day/item/location. I have set so that the MPS calculation yields production order/item /qty.It works well. I carry out action message to make 16 production orders. then I calculate MRP, but after I run some items is missed in the requisition line, unfortunately, I have carried out action message the purchased items to make PO and firm planned to released. I created PO manually. then after all items needed available in inventory (location) I post all items and output but I can't post the items that beforehand have no PO resulted by MRP calculation in planning worksheet but created manually. it's not possible for me to delete the production orders that items have posted and consumed. When I try to post the message said "reservation entry doesn't exist", when I try to delete prod.order , the message said ."...there exists at least one item ledger entry associated with it". #-o #-o :-k
I am now being in trouble...could you give me some solutions ? tks a lot before.
Johnson Alonso
I actually know the solution of how to delete item in the production order component if the message said "reservation entry doesn't exist. Identification fields and values: Entry # '...' ; Positive '...' come when I try to delete it. I run table #337 from object designer and delete the number. but I still don't know why the reservation doesn't exist when I try to generate PO from MRP calculation especially when using forecasting in MTO and MTS environment either for purchased item and manufactured item. #-o :-k
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