Error when I run a table on a Navision 4.01 DB SQL Server

lagiac83lagiac83 Member Posts: 29
This is a error message that program show:

The xxx TABLE has no ROWVERSION column in the SQL table description.

What can be the problem?





  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    It can only mean that 1) it was not created from Navision, but from SQL 2) or Navision sh**ted itself during creating the table and didn't really finish creating it. I'd suggest to create that table again.

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
  • lagiac83lagiac83 Member Posts: 29
    Thank you...In fact I create the table from SQL...
  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    Please forget that as fast as you can :) Navision's logic is so different from SQL (it's a deeply modified RAIMA engine from somewhere the eighties) that I consider it a complete miracle that they could create an SQL database option. Just look at an oninsert sql trigger on any "entry" table if you like to read horror stories :) So, the relation between Navision and SQL is so complicated that it is very important that do not modify anything from SQL. (Reading it from is SQL is OK except that option fields show up as 0,1,2...)

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    so... without all the negative comments...

    Navision treats SQL Server pretty much as a back end only. Maintaining the object is all done from the Navision IDE. The only thing you would typically do in a Navision implementation on SQL Server is maintain the database, work on maintenance plans, do backups, things like that.

    In rare occasions you'd use SQL Server views, but even then you'd be linking those to Navision table objects from the Navision IDE.

    Forget about using SQL Server for any 'real' business logic.
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