Calculate invenotry - PLease help

Lisa_RandallLisa_Randall Member Posts: 44
I am trying to create a sort order for the phys inventory journal to sort by bespoke field Product Type however this is not as simple as i first thought ( or maybe it is !?) i added the field in no problem but when i run the calc inventory routine it does not pull through the fields that match to the relevant items.

I assume that i need to do some kind of get function within the calc inventory report but i just dont know enough to actually do it and would really appreciate a little hand holding here ?

](*,) :-k


  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    Wouldn't that be nicer if you had this field populated in every kind of item journal, either you create lines manually or automatically? In that case, go to Table Item Journal Line, and insert into the OnValidate code of Item No. f.e. after "Product Group Code" := Item."Product Group Code"; this code: "Product Type".VALIDATE(Item."Product Type"); (You can also write "Product Type" := Item."Product Type", but that's not good practice, despite it's often done this way in the standard too.)

    After this, whenever you manually or the Calculate Inventory selects an Item No. it will fill this field.

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
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