This is my 1st time use Navision Database Server. After i installed the Navision Database Server, i have encountered login problem.
The error message is
The network is not functioning correctly. A 'packet' has been corrupted (a checksum error).
This error indicates that the network is not completely reliable. Please note how often this type of error occurs in the network. Contact your system manager if you need assistance.
Thank you very much
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do. -
David Brent
Actually i also cannot find the server name. I just type the server name manually.
Any step i have missed?
Thank you.
ping <servername>
do u get any positive response ?
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I have tried to follow exactly from url http://www.mibuso.com/howtoinfo.asp?FileID=10.
The previous error message is gone, but the system has show me another 2 new error messages:-
1. The following message came from the server.
2. The operating system cannot gain access to the file F:\4.01\test.fdb.
Please check that the file type and attributes are correct.
By the way, i have checked the files' attributes is fine.
Any other possibility?
Thank you.
You can also start the DB-service from the DOS-prompt. This can be handy to check if something goes wrong. The Windows user that is used in this case is the current user.
To try this, take the batch-command to install the server but DON'T use the "installasserver" parameter.
DATABASE="C:\db\CRONUS\N370 W\DBServer370\N370 W.fdb"
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I have checked the Test.fdb database's attributes, it is fine, but still cannot access the database. Finally i added the permission to Everyone for that test.fdb, then it is working fine.
Thank you very much
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I installed the Navision Database Server in Windows Server 2003. This server is the domain controller (with Active Directory environment). I use the Windows Administrator to login the server and also i navision 4.01 client at this server as well....
Administrator still dont have enough permission :-k :?: Maybe i miss some step previously.
Anyway, thank you very much to kine and all.....
1) Permissions of the user opening the Navision (connecting to the server process - as you wrote - Admin account)
2) Permissions of the server process (the process is accessing the file under account the server service is running - commonly system account)
Try to check this server account, open the services and look at the property of the service...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
MVP - Dynamics NAV