Dear all,
When I am using planning worksheet to generate MPS and MRP, the planning failed with a message informs planning error log, when I want to delete the items in the requisition line of planning worksheet there is a message said the user-defined C/AL function that takes 5 parameters was called with 4 parameters, #-o :-k
Johnson Alonso
'Praise the Lord, o my soul"
Independent Consultant/Developer
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#-o :-k
Johnson Alonso
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1 Table
a. Planning assignment
b. Production forecast entry
c. Item
d. Requisition line
e. Production Order Component
f. Location
g. Customer
h. Production Forecast Name
2. Form
a. Production Order Components
b. Production Forecast
c. Production Forecast Entries
d. Customer Card
e. Location Card
but now, I have solved it. I made a certain field in a production forecast, the field relates to all the above mentioned either to form or table. I have add the field name in the keys, C/AL global, C/AL local, and activate the field in the production forecast using calcformula property of the field named Prod. Forecast Quantity (Base) in the item table. The problems come because I put too many field I made to the planning assignment C/AL local and global. If anyone interest to the field I made, pls send me pm. I think I will not explain here what I have made, it will spend a lot of time. tks a lot for viewing and answering my problems.
Johnson Alonso
"The Lord is myShepherd, I Shan't in want"
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