Customer - OnPreDataItem() //MESSAGE(FORMAT(CALCDATE('CM + 1D - 1M',150600D))); //TESTING //MESSAGE(FORMAT(CALCDATE('CM',TODAY))); //TESTING //Header Section insert Textboxes - MonthLabel[1], MonthLabel[2], MonthLabel[3] etc //Prints the Month now ie Jan 06 MonthLabel[1] := FORMAT(TODAY,0,'<Month Text,3> <Year4>'); //Prints each month in descending order ie Dec 05, Nov 05, Oct 05 etc.. FOR x := 2 TO 12 DO BEGIN MthFormula := '-' + FORMAT(x) + 'M'; MonthLabel[x] := FORMAT(CALCDATE(MthFormula,TODAY),0,'<Month Text,3> <Year4>'); END; CurrReport.CREATETOTALS(SalesMthTotal); Customer - OnAfterGetRecord() //Body Section insert Textboxes SalesMthTotal[1], SalesMthTotal[2], SalesMthTotal[3], etc.. CLEAR(SalesMthTotal); StartDate := CALCDATE('CM + 1D - 1M',TODAY); EndDate := CALCDATE('CM',TODAY); FOR x := 1 TO 12 DO BEGIN CustLedEntry.SETRANGE(CustLedEntry."Customer No.",Customer."No."); CustLedEntry.SETFILTER(CustLedEntry."Posting Date",'%1..%2',StartDate,EndDate); IF CustLedEntry.FIND('-') THEN REPEAT SalesMthTotal[x] := SalesMthTotal[x] + CustLedEntry."Sales (LCY)"; UNTIL CustLedEntry.NEXT=0; StartDate := CALCDATE('-1M',StartDate); EndDate := CALCDATE('-1M',EndDate); StartDate := CALCDATE('CM + 1D - 1M',StartDate); EndDate := CALCDATE('CM',EndDate); END;
Independent Consultant/Developer
Feb 06 for MonthLabel[1]
Dec 05 for MonthLabel[2]
Nov 05 for MonthLabel[3]
so on
What Happend to Jan 06?
Change everywhere where TODAY is used to first day of the year.
Independent Consultant/Developer
It's Monthlabel[2] where it goes wrong
so I added a line inbetween to add a month so it works.
I'm sure someone will pop in with a better code.
Where's Kriki the codemaster when you need him 8)
Now i'll go check the monthly totals to see if everything is peachy-keen!
& This drastically increases the reports performance
Considering a form doesnt have CREATETOTALS
i tried addding the code on ONAFTERGETRECORD TRIGGER BUT ITS ](*,)
Another form that calculates using the cust ledger entry is form
10007 "Customer Credit Information"
It's splits into 4 periods but it can be easily changed to 12 months instead.
If i have some time later I'll try it myself. If you don't have that form I renamed it and you and try it yourself here ... naform.fob
now that I look more into it I think 351 kicks more butt.
let me know if you don't have it.