Adjust cost - item enrties: adjustment level.

admoretutsieadmoretutsie Member Posts: 79
When l am running the adjust cost - item entries, the adjusment level for Value Entries for an item that do not have entry no, has been going up for 3 days now.

NB: There is an item with blank item number.

What does the adjustement level window show when you are running the adjust cost - item entries.

What causes this to happended and it is normal?

I am using 4.0.1 standalone DB.

Thank you
$cside -MBS
>install Navision::4.0 SP1


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    What do you mean for an item that does not have entry no.

    Adjust level shows increments if there is a Recursion.

    You should fix the item with blank no.

    It is not normal to run for 3 days. How many records do you have in item ledger?
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • Hi

    It is bit unclear from your query, Pls explain the process what u want to achieve

    Thanks & Best Regards

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