I have a problem with a technical conversion of a Dutch SQL DB from 3.70 to 4.0SP1.
When I open the database it asks if I want to convert it. When I confirm that it starts converting. After a while a get an SQL statement error:
207,"42S22",[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Sever Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'Type'.
16945,"42000",[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Sever Driver][SQL Server]The cursor was not declared.
Select O."id" FROM "Object" AS O WHERE O."Type"=? ORDER BY O."ID"
When I look in the Object table I see that the fields have Dutch fieldnames. I tried to translate the fieldnames from an English db. Afterthat I get the error from Navision that field 'Type' does not exist in the table Object. :-k
When I restore the backup in a new 4.0 SP1 DB I have no problem. But the database is huge and I think it will take several days to restore it. So thats my very last option. :roll:
I have taken a look in the fin.stx files and compared the 3.70 and 4.0SP1 version. I noticed that the ''//DB Object Table" part differs. In 3.70 there are Dutch names and in the 4.0SP1 there are only English names for the fields. I think this is the problem. Another problem is I am not allowed to change the stx file. ](*,)
I am all out of options. Is there somebody out here that knows how I can solve this?
(you can try to create new database in SP1 and compare the data from this database with data from your old database).
MVP - Dynamics NAV
We've got an database created with german STX.
Than we've got the same error you descriped as we want to convert with an english STX.
With the german STX it works without errors.
If you have an dutch database you have to take the dutch STX.
This work's only with 4.00 without SP1.
You must first convert to 4.00 then convert to 4.00 SP1.