Dear All,
I've just returned from a client for a demo of forecasting.
The situations in company is it has 100 customers and each customer has 4-5 outlet stores. IT wants the sales item forecasting made based on all stores and work shift days. a store buy 4-6 items with qty 10-120 pcs. If I generate MPS, the systems will produce many MPS and can created due date based on forecast date. the forecast itselfs is a daily and set until 3 months ahead. Also, the forecast doesn't link to sales order and we must create sales order after finished production order to ship and invoice. I mean there is no relation between sales forecast with sales order. How to cope with these problems ?Also, does navision provide machine spare parts maintenance or stock opname data module or granule ? I think it could be like human resource module but it used to employees but not to spareparts. Could you please give me a solution or maybe some brief explanation ? #-o :-k
Johnson Alonso
Sales order and forecast linking is only important that the engine would not plan extra production for those SO whose demand is already included in the forecast. Otherwise it's not important, if you enter it later, when the manufacturing is already done, I think that's fine.
For maintenance, there are Service granules. But it's aimed at external service, not servicing your own machinery - it expects to invoice service costs.
Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
Tks for your answer. I would not use excel. I need many production order with different dates generated by planning worksheet using forecast. If the items will be available for sale only in a short days and production run time very shorts in every items' routing where in this case I create routing per item produced though the machines used is same but the machines work concurrently. I will use output journal for posting of all items produced daily. I have successfully customized production forecast. And I can also generate production order per item according to qty of items in forecast but not per normal working hour though I have use filter facility in item tab when using calculate regenerative plan on planning worksheet . The company will use MTO environment. So, if I have 20 items to forecast everyday with different qty that distributed to many customers (400 customers daily), MPS generates 20 production orders. but after that I have to open sales order and then create SO not automatically like sales quote to sales order or blanket sales order to sales order. It will take a lot of time to make 400 SO/Invoice. Indeed it will be made 1-2 months from due date but I need to take the qty of sale items in forecast to convert to SO. Anyway for maintenance, options are fixed asset or item journal and location card setting. So, spare parts will be in item list, and in the item list will be customized. I really need how to make sales order from production forecast table. #-o :-k
Johnson Alonso
"The Lord is myShepherd, I shan't be in wants"
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