
balance report

RoboticsRobotics Member Posts: 3
edited 2003-12-05 in Navision Financials
I have the following problem:
I have created a report to check the items for debitors for a certain period of time. This report creates an account balance for each debitor, but I failed creating an overall balance for the specified period.
I'm using the data item "Debitor" and the data item "debitor items", it will e.g. list me all the items for a debitor from 01.01.2003 to 31.03.2003 with an account balance for each debitor, but it will not make me an overal balance.

thanks in advance


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    SbhatSbhat Member Posts: 301

    First declare a global variable to store the totals for balance and then On the Debitor Item Data item go to OnPrePrepot and put the following syntax. Currreport.createtotals(<VariableName>). Then on the footer of the Debitor put this declared variable and it should work.

    Best regards
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