
Wide report

tvandongentvandongen Member Posts: 78
edited 2003-12-02 in Navision Financials
I need to make a report with 30 columns. Because I can't put it on one page (landscape A4) (and still have a human readable font), I need to use two pages.

Does anybody know a solution (besides creating an excel sheet and print this or using A3 paper) to create the second page on a way that there are the same lines on the second page. Unfortunality I don't know up front how many lines there will be on one page, due to several group headers.

I'm using Navision 2.60A.


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    SbhatSbhat Member Posts: 301

    No, you cannot break the section into two and have the report in one line, the only choice i see of is to export it to Excel and have it formated the way your client wants.

    Best regards
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    eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    Again I agree with Sbhat,

    This is really the best way to do this. Don't go trying to do this from Navision, this will take up to much time, money and frustration.
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
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    spycraftspycraft Member Posts: 66
    hi eromein, Sbhat,
    it is still possible to do so in Navision... pls enlighten...

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