I'm trying to use the Developer Toolkit SP2 and got this error message when opening the database:
Error 1048 "You have not selected a database." [-X :^o
It is indeed a database and it also have the DevToolkit objects loaded. :-s
Anyone any idea?
Navision Developer
Then imported the backup (or the objects) that came with the DTK?
Then closed the Navision-client?
Then started the DTK and opened the DB?
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I've experienced the same problem: I'm using multiple versions of DTK (due to other bad habbits).
When changing between e.g. SQL and Native DB's or DTK of version SP1 and SP2, I have found, that I need to close the database used be the DTK I use before leaving.
This lets me open the right DB when I start a new DTK.
Another thing is, that I've found different issues i DTK SP2, which have made me switch back to SP1 (which also have some issues
One SP2 issue, was that when searching for a variable, which where found in CA/L on a tables triggers and functions, only the first trigger was shown - eventhough all occurences where shown. But if I did something wrong, I haven't been able to verify.
Thoms Hviid Thorn
I follow all the steps as kriki says and still get the errors:
1st error: "Database Error: 1048"
2nd error: "You have not selected a database". (when obviously I have done).
It's a very strange message. Can it not recognise the fdb as a database :roll:
Thomas, I had before installed a previous version of DTK but never really used it. I decided to start with the latter version to avoid errors ( :whistle: ) and I uninstalled the other one before installing the SP2.
Do you get the same error?
No, I get different errors:
When I start DTK SP2 after having worked with DTK SP1, I get first a 1111-error, then no selected db and then 1046.
Then I choose File/Database/Open and chooses a database. And a new bunch of errors occurs. After that I closes DTK SP2.
... and then I start DTK SP2 again - this time I get no errors!
And choosing File/Database/Open lets me work with the database for the DTK SP2.
I do about the same thing, when I shift back to DTK SP1. ](*,)
Did I mention, that these are native databases: For SP1 we did try to use a SQL database - but gave up because of user login issues. Here, there also was an issue, then changing between and DTK SP1 native and DTK SP1 SQL.
Thoms Hviid Thorn
I'm just amazed that the DTK has so many issues. :roll:
So I'm quite fond of the thing.
As long as the search- and Where-Used-facilities are stabel, I can manage with other issues.
Thoms Hviid Thorn
A shame that I can't open a bloody database ! :x
The DTK SP2 uses NAV SP1 database !!
(Like DKT SP1 used NAV 4.00 database) ...
Thoms Hviid Thorn
If they do not help you, I out of ideas - sorry!
Thoms Hviid Thorn
Just re-install. #-o