how looks your maintenance plan on sql server for navision.
I've activated:
Steps: (every Day at 04:00)
1. sp_defragdatabase DATABSE
2. sp_updatestats
They are more jobs i must activate :?:
What is with empty records in SIFT Tables :?:
Do you make it right, it works too!
In quite large databases it’s almost impossible to rebuild indexes every day. In some tables it’s not need to rebuild every day the indexes.
You can also shrink database if is needed
2 - From Application Desogner's Guide:
When you delete a record from a base table, the SIFT table is updated in the normal
way and all of the aggregated totals are updated. However, the record is not deleted
from the SIFT table; its corresponding totals in the SIFT table are set to zero. The
entries in the SIFT table are not removed because there is a performance benefit to
be gained for future updates by keeping them.
Freelance Dynamics AX
Blog : http://axnmaia.wordpress.com/
To get rid of the zero entries, you need to do a table optimize from within navision. File/Database/Information, click the tables button, select your tables and hit the Optimize button. This rebuilds the records in the SIFT tables.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Freelance Dynamics AX
Blog : http://axnmaia.wordpress.com/
This must do an automatic script.
All batches i will create on sql-Enterprisemanager as an job.
And i'm not sure, which jobs i need.
On every Database work 10 between 150 users. And i've only the time between 04:00am and 06:00am to do something. Before and after this time there are batches in navision (NAS) or the users work.
And i will not disturb the users by her work (than they shout
So, i need all jobs for sql-enterprisemanag. to optimize the database.
The only problem exists in SIFT tables.
When creating sumindexfields avoid tables that have many record deletion.
If you want to use the Navision Client to optimize the SIFT tables, it can be automated using a software that makes Automation of key strokes.
Freelance Dynamics AX
Blog : http://axnmaia.wordpress.com/
Reindexing is an offline operation (SQL 2000) and your 2 hour window is somewhat small. One option is to reorganize indexes that have less fragmentation rather than rebuilding them. Reorganizing an index can be done online. A general rule is to reorganize if fragmentation is between 5% to 30% and reindex if greater than 30%.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n