I've been working on an upgrade from NAV 3.10ES to 4.00 SP2 ES, using NDT 2.00 SP2 for the Merge process.
Everything looks fine, there seem to be no conflicts in my objects, but...
when I try to import them into a 4.00 DB the problems start.
I've tried to export .txt files as well as using the direct upload to an open client instance. Neither works.
I've found out that the exported files are "corrupted". NDT takes the privilege to add non-sense data to random tables. That way, T15 stops because 2 of its secondary keys have field attribute info associated (HorzAlign, Font size and so on). In T17 it appends the primary key field to a secondary field: "Posting Date", "Document No.", "Entry No." - needless to say, none of the 4 versions in my NDT DB have it defined that way.
I've had a look at the data in the upgrade objects ("Object reference" and "Key" tables) but do not dare to mess with it (besides I haven't found a clear explication there).
I'm doing this project on a free-lance basis for my former employer (spanish NSC) and they don't have any experience with this version and no knowledge of this problem. So I'm basically on my own with this one as Partnersource is not an option.
I would really really really appreciate if someone could give me a hint because on the contrary I'm facing quite a few days of manual work since modified objects count approx. 3000...
Thanks in advance,
I didn't get errors, but when running the programs, I got errors because some tables didn't have secondary keys.
Why it happened, I don't know.
But I did only have problems with secondary keys. All the rest was ok.
So if you have that problem, I think it is best to delete the secondary keys from that table in the textfile, import the textfile and then add the seconday keys manually.
Check this linkhttp://www.mibuso.com/dlinfo.asp?FileID=594. The program is also usable to show all the keys in the tables.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I had to manually copy the ones I wanted clean from the new base version (to implement manually some changes needed) and remerge the ones missing from my base custom version.
After that, I found that many tables in the new custom version had no keys whatsoever - not even the primary ones. I found no pattern to this problem, it seemed to be completely random. So once again I copied manually the data missing (strangely though, on a second copy the keys were included).
As you see I've lost much time with manual copy-paste and was hoping there might be a more effective solution than manually revise all the text files. Needless to say, I'm starting to regret having used the NDT at all, but since so many consultants had touched the client application without any documentation it seemed the optimal approach...
Thanks for the link - I will be sure to give it a try after I've overcome these problems, as I'm still working on a native DB but will upgrade to SQL at the end of the process.