Tracking Employee Medical Fees

AMBPIAMBPI Member Posts: 8
Hello All,

Got another Q for you experts :) : We reimburse each employee's medical cost.

They way it would happen is: I go to the doctor, I get charged $20. I pay first, then I pass this bill to the HR dept. The company then reimburses me in 2 weeks.

Acct would like to monitor, by department and employe, how much they have spent in a certain period.

One option we have been advised to do is to have each employees as vendors (with Department as dimension), attached to responsibility center "Medical". When I go to the doctor and hand in the bill, then what would happen is HR (HR login secured to Medical Resp. Ctr, so they cant see vendors other than those belonging to Medical ... can this be done?) would make a PO straight to GL acc:

The journal behind the PO would be:

Medical Fee 20
Payable - Emp. Med Fee 20

When the time comes to reimburse, the journal would be:

Payable - Emp. Med Fee 20
Cash 20

Is it a good way of doing it? Can the kind of tracking that acct want to do be done with the above method ... Is there a better way?

Note: Employee loans would be treated in a similar way, but the employees are setup as a customer, Resp Ctr = "Emp Loans", journal is the opposite (against receivables), etc etc....

Note2: We dont use HR granule .... should we?



  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Dear friend,
    I think you must read manual about navision essential, overview and financial. I can send you if you want them. I am afraid that if you ask about medical cost/fee, navision can't handle until like your explain. Wht don't you set it as labour/employee medical expense in income statement and then post it using general journal with balance type cash (GL account cash) and use comment sheet to record the employee names or maybe just customize ? Navision HR only use to track employee personal data, absense and additional things relate to job. I am sure you maybe need vertical solution (add-ons) for your problem. I can also send the add-on catalogue for you.

  • AMBPIAMBPI Member Posts: 8
    Thank you very much for your offer. I have sent you a private message (forum PM) on the matter. Please let me know if you dont get it.
  • girish.joshigirish.joshi Member Posts: 407
    This request is quite standard, and the solution you describe is what is normally done.

    There are a couple of things to be sure to keep in mind however. You are going to want to setup Medical Expenses as a kind of General Product Posting Group, the Employees should have a corresponding General Business Posting Group, and the employees, and possible the posting groups, should have default dimensions setup against them.
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Dear Friend,

    I have faced a similar problem and the solution we implemented was to use employee and department as dimension. Default dimension of department and employee was set on the expense G/L account and the payable account. Two batches were created in General journal and payment journal having default G/L / Bank account.
    Accounts was able to track the expenses department employee wise by using analysis by dimension.

    Sandeep Singla
    CA Sandeep Singla
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