Save values in ZUP file.

DragsterMBPDragsterMBP Member Posts: 12
:-k Hey ... I got a task which requires that I choose the number of reports to print. That number must be saved in the ZUP file and then the next time the report is opned the number is retrieved and set as default value until changed ...

Anyone knows how to deal with the ZUP file, storing values and retrieving them again ?

Thanx in advance.


  • PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630
    There is no direct manipulation way of of zup file in that kind...
    Only few things you can save in ZUP (that you can choose to save or not to save) like form views, options on request forms, etc...

    BTW. ZUP File is generated for the user/computer combination and can be overided in numerous ways (one of them is "Do you want to save ZUP file" when closing navision) so I'm not sure that is really what you want.

    What exactly you do want to achieve?
  • DragsterMBPDragsterMBP Member Posts: 12
    Phenno wrote:
    There is no direct manipulation way of of zup file in that kind...
    Only few things you can save in ZUP (that you can choose to save or not to save) options on request forms, etc...

    What exactly you do want to achieve?

    That is what I need ...
  • DragsterMBPDragsterMBP Member Posts: 12
    Phenno wrote:
    There is no direct manipulation way of of zup file in that kind...
    Only few things you can save in ZUP (that you can choose to save or not to save) options on request forms, etc...

    What exactly you do want to achieve?

    That is what I need ...

    Found out, on the properties for the Request Form I set the SaveValues to Yes and that works ... :whistle:
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