How to link up a field to a form,by pressing the upper arrow

klinspatrickklinspatrick Member Posts: 58

i have a field named category in the table "New vendor for supplier", and i want it to link to other table\form by pressing the upper arrow, but when i press the upper arrow, it shows nothings and not open any form,
i have already set the "TableRelation" to other table named "Category belongs to vendor". it strange that after set the "TableRelation", the value field show it displays "Category belongs to Vendor", while i have learn or refer other field such as "country code", it can link to the table by pressing the upper arrow to the "countries" form,

the different between the "TableRelation" properties is the value shows Country and "Category belongs to Vendor", there is more " ".
i try to remove the " ", and save, it prompts "You cannot enter 'Category belongs to Vendor' in TableNo. The cursor is in front of the invalid character."

do you know anythings i haven't to do? and wrongly to do?


  • chrispaulchrispaul Member Posts: 174
    Dear Klins
    well if you are trying to access any other table from via look up (upper arrow) all you have to do is to set the table relation & also make sure that the filed you are trying to set in a table relation must be included in the primary key of that relation
  • ClausHamannClausHamann Member Posts: 80
    You will also have to specify the property LookupFormID in the "Category belongs to vendor" table.

    If you new table “Category belongs to vendor” only have one field in the primary key then the table relation can be either “Category belongs to vendor” or “Category belongs to vendor”.”Primary Key”.

    If you have more than one field in the primary key then the table relation must be “Category belongs to vendor”.”Linked Field”


  • klinspatrickklinspatrick Member Posts: 58
    Thanks ChrisPaul and ClausHamann,

    after i set the LookformID, it can link.

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