By default, Navision is not allowing to modify the Unit Cost of an Item when there is an outstanding purchase order or any ledger entries exists.
But our client wants Unit Cost,Standard cost,Last Direct cost of an Item to be modified (irrespective of Costing Method) when posting the PO.smilarly Unit Price Of an Item to be modified when posting an SO.
Will there be any side effects in doing this customization.Please help me.
Hopefully your client does not want to use these cost fields for accounting, only for some calculations. Then, just create a new decimal field like "Internal Recognized Cost" or whatever, and update this on posting. It's a lot cleaner. And then make reports for it of course.
I am technical guy,I don't know how it effects the accounting principles.our client says Unit Cost /Unit price is not standard one.it keeps on varying based on Vendor /Customer.(example ,Same item can be Purchased from different vendors at different cost)
If these Cost keep on changing,then how Accounting principle(navision) uses old Unit cost/Unit price for G/L entries.will it be a correct,if we use Same old Unit cost /Unit Price which is on Item card(entered during item creation time)
I recommend to read the Costing Technical White Paper: http://www.mibuso.com/dlinfo.asp?FileID=382 and requesting the Inventory Costing manual from Microsoft and maybe also the Manufacturing Costing if you are using manufacturing. These describe all you need to know.
I will request my boss to Recruit Accounting expert .
In mean time,i will try download the manuals from partnersite and read.